In our town regularly take place various kinds of events as well as cultural events. You will find here many food outlets, clubs and pubs with interesting music.
We will do our best to regularly provide on this subpage newest information about what’s going on in Gorzów and its surroundings. Please feel invited!
Great Piaf will sing for us again
In May, for the Osterwy Theater stage comes back “3 times Piaf” spectacle. Music story about legendary Edith that beats records of popularity. “3 times Piaf” is show created by Artur Barcisia. Well known and well-thought-of actor (from time to time also stage-manager) is admirer of French singer, that’s why he created the show.
„Romeo and Julia” comes back on the playbill
After break comes back on the playbill “Romeo and Julia” music show directed by Cezary Domagała.
Exhibition of Jacek Lauda paintins
The Provincial and City Public Library of Zbigniew Herbert name invites for Jacek Lauda paintings exhibition titled “Family portrait”. Opening will take place 11th of May ( onday) at 5 pm in “Na piaskach Gallery”, Subsidiary Nr 3 of The Provincial and City Public Library at Bohaterów Westerplatte street Nr 10. Exhibition will be held till 31st of August 2015.